Future Sounds: Cheap Gear and Easy Samples
Does the democratization of electronic music tools change how we hear the
Like many others in the late 1990s,
Art versus commerce in the NFT Era
With no more "art for art's sake" nor "selling out," we have landed upon
Notes on The Nineties
Thoughts on Chuck Klosterman's The Nineties: A Book and the lived experience of
the Nineties, a particular decade
What is Culture? Part Seven: Summary and Bibliography
Wrapping everything up, with a few clarifications and some suggestions for
further reading
We started with a near-impossible mission: Define
What is Culture? Part Six: Defining cultural phenomena
If everything in culture is made of conventions, we should be able to explain all cultural phenomena in terms of
What is Culture? Part Five: A web of meanings and values
Conventions explain why we follow the same regular behaviors in our community, but they also explain how groups agree on
What is Culture? Part Four: Conventions
If culture describes the arbitrary aspects of life, conventions explain why communities repeatedly make the same arbitrary choices over so
What is Culture? Part Three: Arbitrariness
In the third part of a seven-part limited series, we look at how arbitrary
choices are at the core of
What is Culture? Part Two: Components and Commonalities
In the second part of a seven-part limited series, we search for the common
components underlying the various definitions of
What is Culture? Part One: The Word
In the first part of a seven-part limited series, we examine the four main ways
we use "culture,"